Sunday, September 04, 2016


AppLike is a new awesome app that I recently discovered and it is extremely passive. The premise behind the app is that you earn mCoins after running an app for the specified time. As you earn more and more coins, the longer it will take to earn coins. If you have old phones that you don't use, AppLike would be a good use for them. You can either play the games if it's a game you like, or you can just leave the screen on without interacting with the app, and you still receive points. Tip: your screen will automatically time out after up to 10 minutes and can not be changed within the settings. There is a neat app found in the Play Store called No Screen Off and it will disable the screen time out options. You'll be able to leave the app running and your screen won't turn off.

Once you have enough coins, you can request payment from Amazon and PayPal. I received both my payments so far the very next day. It took about 14k coins to get $2.50, but the coins add up. I currently have the app running on 2 different phones I don't use anymore.

Supported devices: Android

AppLike does have a referral system. For every new person you refer you will automatically earn 250 points. In addition, you'll earn 25% of what they earn and vice versa. Sign up with my referral link and you'll start off with 4,440 mCoins. Start earning today!

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