Sunday, August 28, 2016

Receipt Hog

Receipt Hog is an app where you are paid to scan receipts. You must scan a receipt within 14 days. Most receipts are accepted with the exception of food, drink, veterinary bills, utility bills, etc. Funds are redeemed via Amazon gift cards or PayPal with the minimum being $5 which is 1,000 coins.

There is a points system that is determined by the dollar amount on your receipt which ranges from 5 to 20 coins. Under $10 is 5 coins,

Your progress is tracked each week by a meter that tells how many coins you earned. You can earn coins from receipts at face value for up to 100 coins per week. Once you've reached 100 coins, all receipts are worth 5 coins regardless of the value. You can also only snap 20 receipts in a 7 day period.

Receipt Hog currently does not offer any referral incentives.

Supported devices: Android, iOS

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