Sunday, August 28, 2016


Ibotta is probably the best app in it's category when comparing to Checkout 51, Shopmium, etc. 

Ibotta has the most rebates available with dozens of retailers. Ibotta recommends browsing their rebates prior to a shopping trip since the whole point of Ibotta is to discover new brands. However, I simply buy what is on sale or at a good price. I'll check Ibotta after a shopping trip to see if there are any rebates I can claim. Once you've earned $20 you can cash out for an Amazon gift card; $25 for PayPal.

If you connect your Facebook you can participate in challenges with other people that become your team mates. You get bonuses if you redeem so many rebates for that month or earn a certain amount in rebates.

Referral system: Ibotta has a referral system in place. If you sign up under me then you'll earn $10 the first time you redeem points and I'll earn $5. Click here to join Ibotta

Supported devices: Android, iOS

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