Sunday, August 28, 2016

Receipt Pal

Receipt Pal is very similar to Receipt Hog in the sense that you snap pictures of receipts for points. However, Receipt Pal isn't quite as restrictive. They accept receipts from anywhere including fast food restaurants. You can also submit receipts that are 30 days old. You can't submit receipts from July in August. The exception is they'll give you the first couple days of a new month to submit receipts from the previous month.

Unlike Receipt Pal, you are limited to how many receipts you can submit in a specific time frame. Receipt Pal gives you 3-4 new cards every week and each card will hold 4 receipts. Each card is worth 100 points so once you've filled a card, you'll be awarded those points.

There are a range of points needed to redeem gift cards. For example, once you reach 2,000 points you can redeem a $5 Amazon gift card. Alternatively if you're more patient you can wait to reach 7500 points for $25. Other gift card options are offered such as

Receipt Pal currently does not offer any referral incentives.

Supported devices: Android, iOS

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